Maximizing Your Cloud Budget: How to Drastically Reduce Your Cloud Costs with Qovery

We've been receiving a lot of requests from our amazing customers who are eager to learn more about optimizing their cloud costs with Qovery. It's clear that this is a hot topic, and we couldn't resist the opportunity to help you out. That's why we've organized a special live event just for you! In today's recap, we'll dive into why cloud cost optimization matters and share our best tips on how you can make the most of it using Qovery and our fantastic partners. Get ready for some exciting insights and practical advice that will supercharge your cloud cost savings!

Albane Tonnellier

Albane Tonnellier

May 15, 2023 · 4 min read
Maximizing Your Cloud Budget: How to Drastically Reduce Your Cloud Costs with Qovery - Qovery

#Why Does Cloud Costs Optimization Matter?

Cloud Cost Optimization is important for efficient spending in the cloud. Scaling applications and infrastructure is easy, but overspending can still be an issue, especially with services like AWS. That's where optimizing costs come in.

We have a concept called "environments" that simplifies resource management and duplication for new features or instances. With a single click, you can replicate your infrastructure across AWS regions.

Deploying new environments and applications can be a financial challenge, with resources like load balancers, compute instances, and databases consuming resources and costs. Optimizing costs is crucial. On average, customers spend three times the base cost for long-living environments during development.

Without optimization, duplicating environments can escalate costs rapidly. Today we will show you how to optimize expenses with valuable tips, even if you're not using our services.

#Save on Cloud Costs with Qovery

#Built-in Optimization AND Mutualizing resources within the same environment

Because we use Qovery for Qovery, we can mutualize load balancers within the same environment. This is possible because Qovery relies on Kubernetes and NGINX Ingress Controller.

Docker services use the same load balancer
Docker services use the same load balancer

This means we can use one AWS Load Balancer for dozens of applications, which results in a fixed price of ~$40 per load balancer per environment.

#Shutting down unused environments overnight

Every day at 7 pm, we shut down our staging environments and bring them back online at 8 am from Monday to Friday. By doing this, we save around 40 hours per week and see a 15% reduction in our monthly cloud bill.

#Using preview environments and TTLs to keep costs low

When our engineering and product teams work on new features, they use preview environments to test and validate them. By using these preview environments, we avoid spinning up a static environment that's only used for a short period of time. Plus, when a pull request (PR) is closed or has been open for a few hours, the environment is automatically shut down, leading to a 25% cost reduction.

Preview Environments on the Qovery Console
Preview Environments on the Qovery Console

#Cluster auto-scaling AND scale to 0

When creating a cluster with Qovery (a Kubernetes cluster), you can choose the region, credentials, and instance type. For optimal production workloads, we recommend a minimum of three nodes to ensure high availability, but you can adjust the node count based on your specific needs. Environments deployed on shared Kubernetes nodes can be automatically scaled down when not in use. Qovery also offers a convenient "scale to zero" option, allowing you to completely stop the cluster, eliminating the workload and reducing costs on your cloud provider. While there may still be expenses associated with the control plane and certain stateful resources, stateless resources are scaled down to zero, minimizing expenses and optimizing resource allocation.

Overview of a Cluster
Overview of a Cluster

#ARM Instances

Qovery now supports Kubernetes clusters with ARM instances. This help to reduce your cloud computing costs by up to 60% for the same performance. Read more about how to take advantage of this.

#Save on Cloud Costs with Qovery's Partnerships

#Save up to 57% with usage Usage AI

Usage AI is a powerful tool that helps us optimize our usage of EC2 instances, including those used by our AWS EKS clusters. By analyzing our usage patterns and identifying underutilized instances, Usage AI helps us make the most of our resources and reduce costs. In fact, by using Usage AI, we've been able to cut our EC2 bill by a whopping 30%.

For more information, check out our article announcing the partnership.

Qovery's savings with Usage AI
Qovery's savings with Usage AI

#Cost Monitoring with Kubecost

To ensure we're using the right instances for our Kubernetes clusters, we use Kubecost. This tool helps us understand which types of instances will be the most cost-effective for our needs, leading to a 10% cost reduction.

Interested in using Kubecost? Benefits of our unique partnership offer.

Qovery's saving with Kubecost
Qovery's saving with Kubecost

#What's next on Qovery's side to help you optimize even more

One of our primary goals is to enable you to save even more by optimizing your processes. So, what's on the horizon for Qovery? We are constantly working on enhancing our platform to provide you with even greater optimization. Let me share a sneak peek of what we're currently focused on.

One significant aspect we're addressing is providing better visibility into the inner workings of our platform. We want to offer you a more detailed view, not by reinventing the decision-making process or overwhelming you with unnecessary details, but by showing you the resources consumed by your actions and the services you utilize. This means giving you insights into resource consumption, expenditure per cluster on your infrastructure, and seamless integration with trusted partners like Kubecost and Our aim is to ensure that all users can effortlessly optimize their experience. By streamlining the process and eliminating the need to delve into intricate details, you'll be able to achieve better results with just a few clicks. You'll gain a clearer understanding of your current resource consumption, cluster expenditure, and any connections to external services.

If you want even more informations and see everything in action, don’t hesitate to re watch the live about Cloud Costs Optimizations with Qovery below:

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