Meetup - The Present and The Future of Infrastructure as Code

On Tuesday, 11th October at 6 PM Paris time, Qovery will be the proud sponsor of an expert panel about the future of IaC and Terraform with Anton Babenko (Terraform Influencer and open-source maintainer of AWS Terraform modules), Sebastian Korfmann (the original creator of Terraform for CDK), Matthieu Napoli (former PM of Serverless Framework, author of Lift), Paul Stack (engineering manager at Pulumi Corporation), the meetup will take place in Paris. 🇫🇷

Albane Tonnellier

Albane Tonnellier

September 23, 2022 · 2 min read
Meetup - The Present and The Future of Infrastructure as Code  - Qovery

#Tell Me More!

The goal is to discuss Infrastructure as Code with several experts and lightning talks by the community (no boring sales pitches).

This HUG meetup will be in English and will talk about the Present and The Future of Infrastructure as Code:

  • Pulumi, Terraform, CDK, other ?
  • What do you think about Components and Higher-level constructs?
  • Why is the DX experience an afterthought?
  • Is type safety overrated?
  • How many IaC tools does it take to change a light bulb?
  • Ask your question beforehand here

Join us if you are curious about DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, Terraform, Pulumi, CDKs, and everything in between!


⏰ Meetup on Tuesday 11th of October from 6 PM.

🍔 🥤 18:00 - Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks (sponsored by Couchbase). Time to mingle.

⚡️ 19:00 - Lightning talk - 10 minutes max, by the community, no sales pitches, straight to the point. Call for speakers is open!

🎤 19:30 - Round table (in English) - the Present and The Future of Infrastructure as Code - with industry experts:

⭐️ Paul Stack works as an engineering manager at Pulumi Corporation and is an expert in DevOps, IaC, and many other areas.

⭐️ Matthieu Napoli is an AWS Hero, former PM of Serverless Framework, and author of Lift, integrating AWS CDK with Serverless Framework.

⭐️ Sebastian Korfmann is an AWS Hero and the original creator of Terraform for CDK.

⭐️ Anton Babenko (moderator) is an AWS Hero, Terraform influencer, and open-source maintainer of AWS Terraform modules.

#Want to Join Us?

You need to be in Paris on the 11th of October and register by following this link!

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