New Feature: Billing Usage Analytics Dashboard

I am thrilled to introduce to you our new billing analytics feature, now generally available to all our users. This feature is designed to empower you with insights into your Qovery usage, enabling you to monitor, control, and optimize your cloud expenses effectively.

Romaric Philogène

Romaric Philogène

March 14, 2024 · 3 min read
New Feature: Billing Usage Analytics Dashboard - Qovery

Our billing system is designed with simplicity and predictability in mind, incorporating the following elements to ensure you have complete control over your expenses:

  • Users: At the rate of $0.96 per user per day ($29 per user/month), this element helps you track the cost associated with each team member's access to Qovery.
  • Deployment Time: Priced at $0.016 per deployment minute, including 1000 minutes of free credits each month, allowing you to monitor and manage the cost efficiency of your deployment processes.
  • Managed Clusters: Charged at $6.63 per managed cluster per day ($199 per managed cluster/month), this aspect offers insights into the costs tied to using Qovery's managed Kubernetes clusters.
  • Self-managed Clusters: Providing $0 per month for up to 5 clusters, this allows you to leverage your own Kubernetes clusters without additional cost, promoting greater flexibility and cost savings.

#Billing Analytics Dashboard

The billing analytics dashboard has been meticulously designed to offer you a clear and concise view of your spending across these four elements. Each section of the dashboard is dedicated to a specific cost component, displaying daily expenses and cumulative costs over your billing period. This granularity enables you to:

  • Identify Trends: By observing your daily and monthly spending patterns, you can pinpoint areas where your usage aligns or deviates from your expectations.
  • Optimize Resources: Understanding the specifics of your spending allows for strategic decision-making. For instance, if your deployment time costs are higher than anticipated, you might consider optimizing your CI/CD pipelines or leveraging your free deployment minutes more effectively.
  • Maximize Value: With visibility into the costs of managed versus self-managed clusters, you can make informed decisions on the most cost-effective infrastructure setup for your projects.

#Dashboard Access

Getting access to the Qovery usage billing dashboard from Qovery web console
Getting access to the Qovery usage billing dashboard from Qovery web console

To get access to your usage dashboard:

  1. Go to your Organization settings
  2. Click on "Billing & plans" > "Summary" tab
  3. Click on "Show usage" button

Then you can generate your report and set an expiration time (it can take up to 1 minute).

Generate your billing usage
Generate your billing usage

Once generated, you can copy the link and open it. ⚠️ Don't share it publicly.

Copy your dashboard URL
Copy your dashboard URL

And tada, your dashboard is accessible 🥳

Qovery billing usage dashboard
Qovery billing usage dashboard

#Cost Optimization

This feature not only provides you insights into your current spending but also empowers you to take proactive steps towards optimizing your costs.

Get a clear view on how much you spend per day and on which element
Get a clear view on how much you spend per day and on which element

Whether through more efficient use of deployment minutes, adjusting team sizes based on project needs, or choosing the right cluster management option, the potential for savings is significant.

Get a detailed of which apps you should optimize to optimize your deployment costs
Get a detailed of which apps you should optimize to optimize your deployment costs

#A Dashboard That Evolves With You

We understand that your needs and our platform are constantly evolving. As such, the billing analytics dashboard is subject to ongoing enhancements and improvements. Your feedback will be crucial in shaping its development, ensuring it remains as useful and user-friendly as possible.


Our new billing analytics feature represents a significant step forward in providing you with the transparency and control needed to manage your cloud expenses effectively. We are committed to supporting your journey towards more efficient and cost-effective cloud computing.

Stay tuned for further updates, tutorials, and guides on making the most of this feature. Your success is our priority, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

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