Platform Engineering Predictions for 2024

I've been closely observing the trends and technological advancements in this field, and I'm excited to share my predictions for what's ahead. Here's a glimpse into the future of Platform Engineering in 2024.

Romaric Philogène

Romaric Philogène

December 19, 2023 · 3 min read
Platform Engineering Predictions for 2024 - Qovery

#Enhancing Developer Experience: A Central Focus

The developer experience (DX) is set to take center stage in 2024. The focus is shifting from just building and deploying software to making these processes more intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable for developers. At its core, Platform Engineering is about empowering developers, and enhancing their experience is more important than ever. It's not just about the tools; it's about creating an ecosystem where developers can be more autonomous.

The push for better DX will see more intuitive interfaces, streamlined workflows, and deeper integrations between tools. The goal is to reduce cognitive overload and context-switching, making the developers' journey smoother from ideation to deployment.

#The Rise of Internal Developer Platforms (IDP)

Internal Developer Platforms (IDP) are set to become the backbone of tech companies, providing a self-service model that caters to the modern developer's need for autonomy and efficiency. These platforms encapsulate best practices, automate repetitive tasks, and provide a standardized way of deploying and managing applications.

IDPs are not just about tooling; they represent an organizational cultural shift. They encourage ownership and accountability while nurturing innovation. By 2024, I predict that IDPs will be at the heart of most tech organizations, significantly reducing time-to-market for new features and products.

Discover the Top 10 Internal Developer Platforms for 2024

#Kubernetes: Evolution for User-Friendliness

Kubernetes has already established itself as a cornerstone of modern infrastructure, and its adoption will continue to soar in 2024. However, the focus will be on making Kubernetes more user-friendly. The complexity of managing Kubernetes has been a significant hurdle, and there's a growing need to abstract this complexity for end-users.

Image from our article on how we turned Kubernetes into a Developer-Friendly product
Image from our article on how we turned Kubernetes into a Developer-Friendly product

We'll see more advancements in Kubernetes tooling, aiming to provide simpler interfaces and more automated processes. The goal is to allow developers to leverage the power of Kubernetes without needing to be experts in its intricacies. This evolution will play a crucial role in making cloud-native technologies more accessible to a broader range of developers.

You might also like our article on how we turned Kubernetes into a Developer-Friendly product

#The Emergence of Ephemeral Environments

Ephemeral environments will become a game-changer in 2024. These temporary, isolated environments are ideal for testing new features, bug fixes, or any changes before they are merged into the main codebase. They provide a safe space to experiment without affecting the production environment.

The adoption of ephemeral environments will be driven by their ability to speed up development cycles and improve code quality. They align perfectly with the principles of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), enabling faster feedback loops and more efficient collaboration among development teams.

Discover the Top 10 Ephemeral Environments solutions for 2024


Platform Engineering is moving towards creating more developer-centric, efficient, and agile environments. The emphasis on enhancing the developer experience, the rise of Internal Developer Platforms, the evolution of Kubernetes, and the adoption of ephemeral environments are all indicators of this trend.

These advancements signify a cultural shift in how we build and deliver software. The focus is now on empowering developers to be more autonomous and productive, which drives innovation and accelerates business growth.

I am excited to see how these predictions unfold and how we, as a community, shape the future of Platform Engineering. Here's to a transformative and groundbreaking year ahead in 2024!

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Platform Engineering