Using Ephemeral Environments for Chaos Engineering and Resilience Testing

Dive into the world of chaos engineering and resilience testing with ephemeral environments, ensuring your systems can withstand unexpected challenges.

Morgan Perry

Morgan Perry

September 19, 2023 · 10 min read
Using Ephemeral Environments for Chaos Engineering and Resilience Testing - Qovery

In the world of software and application development, Chaos Engineering ensures that systems can handle unforeseen failures. Resilience testing is paramount, guarding our software services against abrupt interruptions.

Harnessing the power of cloud infrastructure, ephemeral environments have become pivotal for chaos engineering. Their transient nature, coupled with state-of-the-art network management, brings a fresh perspective to resilience testing, emphasizing real-world events and their impact on applications.

In today's article, we will deep dive into:

  • Explore how data in transient environments amplifies chaos testing.
  • Identify how software services withstand system failures.
  • Understand the cloud's role in fortifying service resilience.

Let’s start with a basic understanding of chaos engineering and resilience testing. 

#Chaos Engineering and Resilience Testing

#Introduction to Chaos Engineering and Resilience Testing

  • Chaos Engineering: It's the strategic act of introducing failures into systems, targeting both software and infrastructure to gauge system robustness.
  • Resilience Testing: This measures a system's capability to maintain services amidst failures, ensuring applications recover efficiently after setbacks.

#Principles and Goals

  • Identifying Weaknesses: Chaos engineering reveals system vulnerabilities proactively, rather than awaiting unexpected issues.
  • Understanding Impact: Gauging how failures, like a data breach or network glitch, affect the larger application is essential.
  • Crafting Resilient Systems: By pinpointing failures, developers aim to minimize downtime and enhance software and infrastructure resilience.

#Limitations of Traditional Testing Environments

  • Predictability: Traditional tests lean towards routine checks and struggle with unanticipated chaos scenarios.
  • Simplicity Over Complexity: With applications sprawling across the cloud, standard tests, often simplistic, don't replicate intricate application dynamics.
  • Overlooking Network Hurdles: Real-world systems face network disruptions, third-party service issues, and cloud outages, which some traditional tests might neglect.


Figure 1 - Chais Engineering | Source:
Figure 1 - Chais Engineering | Source:

#Deep Dive into Ephemeral Environments

#Containerization Champions - Docker & Kubernetes

Docker and Kubernetes serve as the pillars of ephemeral environments. They encase applications in containers, ensuring they contain all the necessary components for execution: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, and settings. 

Figure 2 - How Docker and kubernetes can complement Ephemeral Environment | Source:
Figure 2 - How Docker and kubernetes can complement Ephemeral Environment | Source:

#Chaos Engineering's Best Friend

In light of the inherent unpredictability of chaos engineering, ephemeral environments are extremely advantageous. They enable the testing of potential failures and events that can have an effect on system resilience, while ensuring that these tests do not adversely impact the primary application environment.

#IaC and DevOps: Synchronizing with Ephemeral Environments

  • Blueprints for Systems: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) entails the administration and automation of infrastructure via code scripts. It enables infrastructure deployment consistency based on specific protocols. Ephemeral environments align with this concept, being instantiated based on defined parameters and then deprovisioned after their intended function is completed.
  • DevOps Alignment: For continuous testing, integration, and delivery, ephemeral environments are highly valued in the exciting world of development and operations integration. Underscoring the significance of testing in a controlled environment, these environments ensure that code modifications do not cause system failure.

#Technical advantages of ephemeral environment

  • Swift Creation and Destruction:  Ephemeral environments are famed for their quick provisioning and equally swift dismissal. Even a non-technical person can easily spin up and delete an ephemeral environment. 
  • Isolated Yet Integrated: These environments are isolated, preventing data contamination or unintended events, but they also closely mirror real-world conditions thanks to containerization and cloud technologies
  • Scaling Heights: Ephemeral environments cater to various needs, ranging from basic test environments to complex, multi-service setups. By emulating detailed cloud infrastructure management scenarios, they demonstrate significant scalability. Thus, whether the requirement is for a minimalistic approach or a complex configuration, ephemeral environments can be tailored to suit the specific demands.
  • Failures and Resilience Testing: Delve deep into chaos engineering. Identify potential failures in services, analyze the network's resilience, and assess the impact of unprecedented events without compromising your core systems. The controlled chaos of testing in such environments empowers software development to reach peak resilience.

#Transforming Chaos Engineering with Ephemeral Environments

#The Role of Ephemeral Environments in Chaos Engineering

The utilization of ephemeral environments has a transformative impact on chaos engineering practices. These temporary environments provide a controlled space wherein system responses to unexpected events can be thoroughly tested without compromising stable infrastructures.

Chaos Engineering in Ephemeral Contexts: Why It Shines

  • Flexible Experiments: Ephemeral environments empower developers to simulate a range of scenarios—from minor network issues to significant system failures—without impacting stable infrastructures. Ephemeral environments allow for controlled and diverse chaos engineering scenarios.
  • Tangible Scenarios with Ephemeral Environments: Data Disruptions: Imagine you're testing an application's resilience to data inconsistencies. Using an ephemeral environment, introduce data anomalies and see how your system reacts.
  • Service Failures: Simulate the sudden drop in critical cloud services. Does your application gracefully degrade or does it crash spectacularly?
  • Network Anomalies: By tweaking the network settings in the ephemeral environment, you can mimic latency spikes, packet losses, or even total network failures.

#Chaos Engineering Operations within Ephemeral Environments

  • Initiation & Parameter Setting:
    Commence with the creation of an ephemeral environment specifically designed for chaos testing. Deliberately adjust system parameters, introduce predetermined failures, and manage data streams.
    Implement management tools to dictate the trajectory and intensity of the introduced chaos. This ensures that the disruptions are in line with the test objectives.
  • Execution & Analysis:
    With the environment prepped, initiate the chaos engineering tests. Monitor how the application responds under various conditions, from service disruptions to data anomalies.
  • Environment Decommissioning:
    After concluding tests and extracting necessary insights, dismantle the ephemeral environment. This ensures a clean slate for subsequent tests and ensures no residual impact on the primary development framework.

#Resilience Testing Made Easier

#Challenges in Traditional Environments

  • Consistency: Traditional, static environments often lead to inconsistencies in testing. Since systems stay persistent, they might acquire variations over time due to data modifications, application updates, or infrastructure adjustments. These shifts may not replicate real-world conditions, making resilience testing less accurate.
  • Limited Scenario Representation: Simulating all potential failure events in these environments can be challenging. Static environments often fail to mimic a myriad of failure conditions – whether they originate from network disruptions, software glitches, or unforeseen data events. This limitation hampers the true understanding of system behavior under chaos.
  • Management Overhead: Managing these environments requires meticulous oversight. From identifying potential system weaknesses to the aftermath of testing – recovery and resetting the environment – traditional settings can be resource-intensive.

#Ephemeral Environments: The Game Changer

  • Dynamic Nature: Ephemeral environments, being temporary and tailored for specific tests, ensure a clean slate for every test cycle. This property enables accurate representation and management of chaos engineering scenarios.
  • Flexibility: Instead of being tethered to static settings, these environments are moldable. Cloud-based services and infrastructure can be quickly spun up to test varying scales of application resilience, from minor service disruptions to large-scale system failures.
  • Optimized for Failure Testing: These dynamic settings, combined with the principles of chaos engineering, pave the way for effective resilience testing. By intentionally introducing failures in this controlled environment, organizations can gauge the real impact on applications and services.

#Real-world Examples with Ephemeral Environments

Take the example of a top SaaS healthcare supplier with revolutionary patient management software. They had sporadic system failures after the release despite their latest tech. One of their major issues was the inability to clone the exact environment including the live data. Their conventional testing environments failed to identify the fundamental problems, causing client worries and brand reputation risks.

To address this, the company adopted ephemeral environments. By replicating healthcare anonymized data into these environments, they could properly mimic and diagnose issues. They found and fixed the issues through methodical troubleshooting in this controlled setting.

Companies must integrate chaos engineering with ephemeral environments, as seen by this experience.

#Orchestrating Chaos and Recovery

#Introduction to Chaos in Ephemeral Environments

Integrating chaos engineering with ephemeral environments offers a systematic approach to simulate failures within system replicas. By leveraging the cloud's transient and isolated constructs, ephemeral environments become the ideal sandbox for orchestrating precise chaos experiments. This fusion allows for the technical orchestration of real-world scenarios, identifying weak spots in software and infrastructure resilience.

#Executing Controlled Chaos Experiments

  • Ephemeral Environments: Before diving into chaos, it's pivotal to have an environment to test. Ephemeral environments, being transient and isolated, make an excellent playground for chaos experiments. They're often built on cloud infrastructures, ensuring flexibility and scale.
  • Injecting Failures: Network Chaos: Impact the communication by introducing latency, packet loss, or total network failures. This tests how services handle network disruptions.
  • Application Chaos: Interrupt the standard operations of applications by crashing them or causing resource exhaustion. This reveals weaknesses in software resilience.
  • Data Chaos: Introduce inconsistencies in data layers to see how the system handles corrupted or lost data.
  • Management and Monitoring: Central to chaos engineering is not just causing the chaos, but observing it. Tools exist to help engineers manage the chaos events, ensuring they don't cross boundaries and to identify the impacts of the induced failures.

#Recovery and System Resilience

After chaos testing, an automated recovery mechanism should be in place. This not only helps the system return to its original state but serves as an evaluation of the system's resilience.

  • Automated Scripts: Post-testing scripts are initiated to restore services and data. The speed and efficiency of these scripts determine the resilience of the software.
  • Evaluation: The ephemeral environment should log all events and failures during the test. Post-experiment, this data is essential to evaluate the system's behavior under pressure and its recovery potential.

#Continuous Chaos and Resilience Testing

#Importance of Continuous Chaos Engineering and Resilience Testing

  • Complex Systems and Failures: With the intricacy of today's systems, unexpected failures can occur. Chaos engineering simulates these unforeseen events, ensuring that software remains resilient even under uncertain situations.
  • Evolving Software Landscape: As applications and services continue to change, it's imperative that chaos testing remains continuous, ensuring that as software evolves, it's always prepared for potential disruptions.

#Ephemeral Environments: A Key Tool for Chaos Practices

  • Safe Space for Testing: The transient nature of ephemeral environments means aggressive chaos tests can be conducted without lingering side effects on primary systems.
  • Replicating Real-world Issues: With the scalability and flexibility of cloud-backed ephemeral environments, it becomes feasible to simulate a myriad of system scenarios, including potential network issues and service outages. Furthermore, such environments facilitate comprehensive end-to-end testing, ensuring not only individual components but the entire application flow operates cohesively in the face of challenges.
Figure 3 - End to End testing | Source: https://hub/
Figure 3 - End to End testing | Source: https://hub/

# The Role of Monitoring, Alerting, and Observability

  • Monitoring – The Sentinel: With appropriate tools, every significant event during chaos tests can be captured, offering a clear picture of how systems respond.
  • Alerting – The Alarm System: A robust alert system ensures that if something goes amiss during a test, stakeholders are immediately notified.
  • Observability – Going Beyond Surface: To truly understand failures, observability tools dissect interactions between services and infrastructure, shedding light on root causes.

#Security Considerations

#Potential Security Concerns in Ephemeral Environments

  • Secure and private data: Data is crucial in chaos engineering in ephemeral environments. An intentional failure can endanger data integrity. To avoid chaos-induced data errors, replicate and backup data before testing.
  • Anonymize sensitive data: Ephemeral environments are transient, yet testing might expose sensitive data with long-term consequences. Protect data by masking it before testing.
  • Secure Network: Chaos engineering may expose your system to unexpected network vulnerabilities. Network security is crucial. Configure firewalls to avoid test-related attacks. While injecting failures, malevolent actors may recognize an opportunity. Network traffic should be monitored during chaotic tests. Act quickly on anomalies. Managing situations that could lead to breaches is key.
  • Applications and Services Security: Applications and services in the environment need protection. Control access strictly using zero trust. Use the latest software and services and patch them regularly. Chaos testing might accidentally reveal vulnerabilities in obsolete software.

#Best Practices for Security in Ephemeral Environments

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Ensure only authorized personnel can introduce chaos events.
  • Network Segmentation: Ensure the testing environment is isolated from critical infrastructure.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Employ cloud-based monitoring tools for the environment's activities.
  • Data Masking and Anonymization: Use anonymized data for testing.
  • Regularly Update and Patch: Ensure all components in the environment have the latest security patches.


The use of ephemeral environments has significantly altered the field of chaos engineering, providing a platform that is both cost-effective and flexible, as well as a realistic setting for conducting resilience testing. The operation of these transient environments provides crucial information regarding the software's robustness.

The underlying message is clear to anyone with a keen interest in software development: incorporate chaos engineering methodologies into your initiatives. Utilize the temporary nature of ephemeral environments as a medium for experimentation, knowledge acquisition, and improvement.

The progression of system dependability exhibits a positive trend. Through the incorporation of ephemeral environments and chaos engineering techniques, our research aims to realize a future characterized by the presence of exceptionally dependable and robust applications. So what are you waiting for? Let’s try ephemeral environments and gain a competitive advantage!!!

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