With Qovery, we eliminated our downtimes, and empowered effortless deployments—all while ensuring compliance!

Getsafe is a digital insurance company that creates a better insurance experience for everyone, becoming one of the best-rated insurtechs in Europe, serving over 550,000 customers. Anar Bayramov is Staff Backend Engineer at Getsafe.

Anar Bayramov

#Key Results

  • Eliminated downtime during critical upgrades
  • Accelerated deployments
  • Reduced infrastructure costs
  • Enhanced developer productivity
  • Achieved full regulatory compliance


Getsafe, Europe’s leading digital neo-insurer, was on a mission to scale rapidly while meeting stringent regulatory requirements and controlling costs. Their existing infrastructure on Heroku was holding them back with downtimes, limited control, outdated technology support, and escalating expenses. Without a dedicated DevOps team, Getsafe needed a solution that would simplify infrastructure management, reduce costs and empower their developers to deploy efficiently and securely.

By partnering with Qovery, Getsafe seamlessly migrated to AWS, overcame their infrastructure challenges, and unlocked new levels of productivity—all while keeping data within their own AWS account to comply with regulations.

#The Challenges

Heroku had been Getsafe’s platform of choice, but it was no longer meeting their growing needs. Mandatory database upgrades could lead to service interruptions of up to eight hours—a significant drawback for an app that users rely on daily.

Anar Bayramov, Staff Developer at Getsafe, explained:

“We faced long downtimes and couldn’t use the latest technologies, such as Terraform and Kubernetes. Our local development environment didn’t match production, leading to unexpected issues. Without a dedicated DevOps team, managing Kubernetes ourselves wasn’t feasible.” — Anar Bayramov, Staff Developer at Getsafe

Moreover, Heroku lacked support for modern technologies like HTTP/2, Kubernetes, and Terraform. This limitation prevented Getsafe from adopting up-to-date tools and hindered their ability to innovate and scale.

Inconsistent environments meant that code working locally might fail in production. The complexity of AWS and Kubernetes management posed a significant hurdle for a team without specialized DevOps resources.

Regulatory compliance added another layer of complexity. As a licensed insurance company, Getsafe wanted full control over their data, which meant hosting everything within their own AWS account—a challenge they couldn’t meet with Heroku.

#The Solution: Partnering with Qovery

Getsafe sought a solution that would address these challenges head-on. Qovery emerged as the ideal technology partner, offering a platform that simplifies AWS and Kubernetes management through an intuitive interface.

#Simplifying Complexities

Qovery abstracted the complexities of Kubernetes and AWS, allowing Getsafe’s developers to deploy applications without needing deep expertise in these areas.

“ Qovery provided an easy-to-use interface that allowed us to efficiently manage our infrastructure within our own AWS account. It was a game-changer, abstracting away the complexities and letting our developers focus on coding”— Anar Bayramov, Staff Developer at Getsafe

#Empowering Developers

With Qovery, developers could:

  • Deploy services quickly and easily, even without prior experience in infrastructure management.
  • Ensure consistency between local and production environments by using Docker containers throughout.
  • Independently manage deployments, freeing them from reliance on a DevOps team.

“One of our data engineers, who isn’t a backend developer, was able to create and deploy a ML ( Machine Learning) service in just one day. Qovery made it so intuitive that even team members without infrastructure experience could contribute directly.” — Anar Bayramov, Staff Developer at Getsafe

#Ensuring Compliance and Control

By hosting all data within their own AWS account, Getsafe met regulatory requirements and gained greater control over their infrastructure.

#The Migration Journey

The migration to Qovery wasn’t just about technology—it was a collaborative effort between Getsafe and Qovery’s team.

#Collaborative Planning

  • Open Communication: They established dedicated communication channels, including a shared Slack channel and regular calls.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Qovery provided guidance based on their experience with other clients, helping Getsafe navigate potential pitfalls.
  • Documentation: Getsafe documented their migration journey, even publishing blog posts to share insights and lessons learned.

(Anar documented the migration process in detail in his blog post, “Redefining Getsafe’s Infrastructure: Migration Journey from Heroku to AWS”, providing valuable insights into the steps taken and lessons learned.)

#Overcoming Challenges

During the migration, minor issues arose—but Qovery’s team was quick to address them, ensuring the process stayed on track.

“We faced some tiny issues during migration, but the Qovery team swiftly fixed them, unblocking our progress,” Anar noted.

By leveraging Docker containers both locally and in production, Getsafe eliminated inconsistencies between environments, reducing the risk of unexpected failures.


#Enhanced Developer Productivity

  • Simplified Deployments: Developers could deploy new services without dealing with the complexities of AWS or Kubernetes.
  • Increased Autonomy: Teams didn’t need to wait for a DevOps engineer to set up infrastructure—they could do it themselves through Qovery’s intuitive UI.
  • Consistent Environments: Using Docker throughout ensured that applications behaved the same locally and in production.

#Improved Infrastructure Management

  • Eliminated Downtime: Moving away from Heroku’s maintenance schedules meant no more unexpected service interruptions.
  • Scalability: Getsafe could scale applications up or down based on demand, optimizing resource usage.
  • Cost Control and Optimization: By fine-tuning resources, they began balancing performance with costs effectively.

#Regulatory Compliance Achieved

Data Ownership: Hosting everything in their own AWS account ensured they met all regulatory requirements.

Enhanced Security: Greater control over their infrastructure improved their overall security posture.

#Future Plans

With the migration complete, Getsafe is looking ahead:

  • Resource Optimization: They’re fine-tuning their infrastructure to achieve the right balance between performance and cost.
  • Advanced Scaling: Plans to leverage Kubernetes’ autoscaling capabilities will help them handle unpredictable workloads efficiently.
  • Ongoing Collaboration: They continue to work closely with Qovery to explore new features and improvements.

“We’ve successfully migrated all our databases and services. Now, it’s time to fine-tune our resources to achieve the right balance between performance and costs.” — Anar Bayramov, Staff Developer at Getsafe


Getsafe’s partnership with Qovery transformed their infrastructure and empowered their developers. By overcoming the limitations of their previous platform, they unlocked new possibilities for innovation and growth.

“Qovery took all the infrastructure complexity off our engineers’ shoulders, providing an intuitive solution that lets us focus on what we do best—developing great software.”— Anar Bayramov, Staff Developer at Getsafe

#About Anar Bayramov

Anar Bayramov is a Staff Developer at Getsafe, primarily working on providing AI solutions for the company’s needs and handling various backend-specific topics wherever he’s needed. He led the project to migrate Getsafe’s services to AWS using Qovery, significantly improving the company’s infrastructure and deployment processes.

#About Getsafe

Getsafe is a European, fully licensed insurance company revolutionizing the insurance industry with a digital-first approach. Offering a range of insurance products through a user-friendly app, Getsafe helps consumers protect against and prevent their risks..

#About Qovery

Qovery is an all-in-one DevOps automation platform that simplifies cloud infrastructure management on AWS, GCP, and Azure. By abstracting the complexities of Kubernetes and cloud services, Qovery enables developers to deploy applications effortlessly.

Ready to see Qovery in action? Discover how Qovery can empower your team and simplify your deployment process. Schedule a Demo Today!!

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