I recommend Qovery to any growing team, needing to parallelize their developments and starting to have too much friction in a classical context

WeMoms is the biggest community of moms in Europe (with 2.5M app downloads, 5M messages sent each month - 15M monthly reach on social media). In 2021, Voodoo (french unicorn) acquired WeMoms to bring the project to a new dimension and achieve the ambition set since the launch. Alex is Lead DevOps at WeMoms.

Alex Centar

#What are the main benefits Qovery gives you?

What drew us to use Qovery was really the ability to clone environments. We used to deploy the backend code on a single pre-prod environment, which served as both a validation and a dev backend environment for the frontend developers (iOS, Android). As our engineering team grew fast, we started to face real challenges (such as access to the build machine, conflict management, dependencies between branches, etc.)
Thanks to Qovery now, each frontend developer has their own dedicated backend environment, which can be switched from one branch to another in one click to develop or validate a feature. Individually, you can reset the environment or persist the data between restarts if you want. It's really the best of both worlds.

#Why would you recommend Qovery and for whom?

I recommend Qovery to any growing team, needing to parallelize their developments and starting to have too much friction in a classical context where you have only 1 or 2 dev/pre-prod environments.

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